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A Letter to the Community, from our Executive Producer.

Hey Descendants,


My name is Jamie, and I’m the Executive Producer on Rise of Firstborn. I want to express my apologies for the rough week you’ve been experiencing.  When KIXEYE took over management of the game, we set out to provide our players a fresh and deeper experience than before on Rise of Firstborn, 


We were eager to put a new event – Phantom World – out there and, as you all know, we hit some issues on the Live server we weren’t anticipating. We identified the underlying bugs, but weren’t able to fix it without taking the game down for an extended maintenance. This wasn’t a good first run for anyone, particularly for you, our dedicated players. It’s clear Phantom World needed more polish. 


The next time we run Phantom World (date TBD), we want to do it as a collaboration with the players. We’ll be soliciting your feedback before, during and after the event to get it to be what you want to see from us. There may be times when we run some experimental modes, and when that happens, we’ll give you a heads up and provide resources ahead of time so you don’t suffer for helping us test the content.  


We’re also working on resolving the issue with the Furnace Event.  This is a complex process, as we want to only target players that consistently took advantage of the bug, versus players who didn’t realize there was a bug.  The last thing we want to do is drop another fiery mess into the game, so we need a few more days to test this delicate procedure carefully.  


The last few weeks for us have been a mix of excitement and reflection, as we know we’ve not just had one isolated incident.  The KIXEYE team is going to be much more cautious and regimented with how we release content & features.  In the short term, it might take us a little more time to get them in your hands as we work with you to take Rise of Firstborn in new and even better directions.


This is the first of many updates you’ll be getting from myself and the entire development team. Actions speak louder than words, and I am committed to earning your trust with the changes and features you deserve.  


Thank you for your ongoing support, feedback, and particularly your patience.


