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Join us for a Q&A with the Dev Team on Discord!

Greetings Descendants! 


On Wednesday, August 10 at 4PM PDT, we’ll be having our first Q&A with Jamie, the Executive Producer on Rise of Firstborn as well as other members of the development team. 


For this, we’ll be using the #dev-q-and-a channel on Discord, which will have slowmode enabled to allow players a better chance at getting their questions seen. 


We remind players to please be courteous when asking their questions. This doesn’t mean you cannot be critical. 


We’ll also be answering questions from the #ask-your-questions channel so if you cannot make the Q&A you can still have your question answered. 


The team is planning to do these more often in the future, and we’ll give everyone plenty of heads up so they can get their questions ready for the next one. 


Thanks for your patience as we get this set up!  We’re very much looking forward to engaging with you, our players, to make Rise of Firstborn the best experience possible!
